Serum with Vitamin C 20% and Ferulic Acid Light your skin SkinTra

Preces kods: 666000
30 ml

Serum with the most active form of vitamin C and a complex of atoxidants: vitamin E and ferulic acid. The product has a visible whitening effect, it improves skin tone, reduces the amount of free radicals and stimulates cell metabolism. The serum is intended for all skin types.

Main directions of action: smoothing the skin and improving the tone of the face, whitening pigment spots in the long term, prevention of inflammation, soothing sunburn, improving firmness and elasticity.

The serum can be used all year round. It is intended for evening care. Its ascorbic acid accumulates in the skin, thanks to which it is active throughout the day. If you want to increase the protection against UV radiation, also choose the evening application. The serum has an acidic pH level, so morning use is not even recommended.

20% Vitamin C – active ingredient. Mainly performs skin whitening function. This not only reduces the visibility of pigmentation spots, but generally improves skin tone. In addition, ascorbic acid fights free radicals, inhibits aging processes and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, promoting skin firmness and elasticity. It has proven to be an anti-inflammatory that promotes regeneration processes, reduces sun erythema and burns caused by UVB rays.
Ferulic acid – works synergistically with ascorbic acid. Stabilizes the activity of vitamins C and E and strengthens their effect. It is very similar to ascorbic acid in its properties.
Vitamin E – known as the vitamin of youth. First of all, it has antioxidant properties, then it stabilizes vitamin C and reduces the amount of free radicals. Consequently, it inhibits the aging process.

Serumu var lietot visu gadu. Tas ir paredzēts vakara kopšanai. Tā sastāvā esošā askorbīnskābe tiek uzkrāta ādā, pateicoties kurai tā ir aktīva visas dienas garumā. Ja vēlies pastiprināt aizsardzību pret UV starojumu, izvēlies arī vakara aplikāciju. Serumam ir skābs pH līmenis, tāpēc rīta lietošana pat nav ieteicama.

Pirms pirmās lietošanas veiciet alerģijas testu.

Pirmā lietošana: uzklājiet 4-5 pilienus seruma uz attīrītas, tonizētas un sausas sejas ādas. Krēms nav jāuzklāj, bet, ja vēlaties, pagaidiet, līdz produkts pilnībā iesūcas.

Citi pielietojumi: turpmākajiem lietojumiem jābūt līdzīgiem kā pirmajam, bet bez alerģijas testa. Visefektīvākos rezultātus sasniegsiet, saglabājot maksimālo C vitamīna koncentrāciju ādā. Iesākumam lietojiet serumu 3 vakarus pēc kārtas un pēc tam tikai ik pēc 3 vakariem. Askorbīnskābe tiek uzkrāta ādā, tāpēc biežāka lietošana nesniegs labākus rezultātus.

Aqua (Water), Ascorbic Acid, Propanediol, Polysorbate 20, Ethoxydiglycol, Panthenol, Ferulic Acid, Tocopherol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Dehydroacetic Acid, Benzyl Alcohol